The Wire

Energy news from Omaha Public Power District

About Us

Provide affordable, reliable and environmentally sensitive energy services to our customer-owners.

– OPPD Mission Statement

The goal of The Wire is to further Omaha Public Power District’s mission and strategic directives, giving visitors an inside look at our operations, our employees and the fast-changing electric utility industry.

Through The Wire, which launched in June 2015, we share our employees’ expertise and interesting ways our customers are using energy and maximizing efficiency. We provide timely news, tips and more.  We welcome visitor feedback and dialogue at the end of posts on the site, which is accessible via mobile devices.

Providing great customer service remains one of our hallmarks, and The Wire is a way for us to do that.

Omaha Public Power District is a publicly owned electric utility that serves a population of an estimated 833,000 people in southeast Nebraska, including the Omaha metropolitan area.