By following a few tips for avoiding falls in winter, you could save yourself injury. Emulating a certain cold-weather bird may help, too.
Winter weather makes roads, parking lots and sidewalks dangerous for anyone on foot. Salt, gravel or brine spread on the surfaces should not be taken for granted as a sure-fire remedy. OPPD safety experts recommend the following strategies for those who must walk on surfaces which may be slick due to rain, ice or snow:
Jodi Baker contributes stories to The Wire in addition to serving as a media liaison for OPPD. She was a reporter, working for news stations from her hometown of Omaha to San Diego, prior to joining the utility in 2013. Jodi has a bachelor’s degree in Broadcasting from the University of Nebraska-Omaha, with a minor in Criminal Justice. She’s married with two older children and two younger dogs – Shi Tzu mixes. She loves watching her daughter’s track meets, going to concerts with her husband Dave, who used to co-host a local music video program, and traveling whenever possible.
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