The Wire

Energy news from Omaha Public Power District

Tag: weather

How Does That Work?

Why lowering your thermostat in the winter can help conserve electricity

Why does lowering your thermostat a few degrees help conserve electricity if your furnace uses natural gas? And does doing so really make much of a difference? We have answers.

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How Does That Work?

How to protect yourself from wind chills

If you have to go outside when wind chills turn dangerous, follow these tips and guidelines to stay safe.

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‘I’ve never seen anything like it’

Members of the OPPD mutual aid team that helped restore power in heavily damaged northern Florida describe the challenges and rewards of their work.

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Mutual aid team returns from Florida

The OPPD team worked for nine days in northern Florida, which was heavily damaged by Hurricane Idalia.

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Customers can help with power reliability during extreme heat

Customers who reduce their power consumption during extreme weather can help promote power reliability for everyone.

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How Does That Work?

Who’s responsible for cleaning up tree debris after storms?

When storms cause outages, OPPD’s tree trimming crews focus on freeing power lines from tree limbs to help restore power. So whose job is it to clean up tree limbs once that work is done?

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