WHAT IS IT? A rough estimate of the rural portion of OPPD’s 5,000-square-mile service area, which includes all or part of 13 counties in southeastern Nebraska. Approximately 91 percent of the utility’s service area could be considered rural and 9 percent metropolitan.
The OPPD service area stretches from southeastern Burt County on the north, south to Pawnee and Richardson counties on the Nebraska-Kansas border.
The service area basically doubled in January 1965, when OPPD merged with Eastern Nebraska Public Power District. OPPD maintains about 15,600 miles of electrical line to serve its customers.
Terry Zank is a contributor to The Wire and senior digital channel specialist at OPPD, where he has worked for 30 years. He and his wife have three sons. Terry enjoys bike riding, playing racquetball, hiking, watching college football, watching great movies from years’ past, and citing quotes from those movies, much to his family’s chagrin.
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