The Wire

Energy news from Omaha Public Power District


Back to school means kids should go back to sleep

August 20, 2018 | Jodi Baker | tips

Back-to-school time brings bedtime battles. Going to bed and waking up earlier is tough after a long, lazy summer. But light can be part of an effective plan to get back on track, if it’s managed properly.

Dr. Brett Kuhn, director of the Behavioral Sleep Disorders Clinic at Children’s Hospital & Medical Center, said parents can start by understanding how much sleep kids need in order to learn and function at their best. He recommends:

  • 11-13 hours for toddlers through early elementary school age
  • 9-11 hours for older elementary school age through middle school
  • 8-9 hours for high school age
Dr. Brett Kuhn
Dr. Brett Kuhn

“Look at their current sleep schedule, when they go to bed versus when they’ll need to wake up to get ready for school,” Kuhn advised. “How much of a discrepancy is there?”

Start in the morning; take advantage of daylight

Proper sleep habits begin in the morning.

“The biggest misstep parents make is to just start moving their bedtimes earlier. That typically backfires because you cannot fall asleep early if you’re well rested. Start by advancing morning wake times,” Kuhn said.

He said the goal is to get kids’ circadian rhythms, their daily wake and sleep cycles, back in sync with school hours. Light is the number one influencing factor. In the morning, there’s no substitute for natural daylight.

“Get outdoor light exposure immediately,” he said. “Open the shades or curtains before you even yank them out of bed.”

He recommends moving wake times, and then sleep times, back in half-hour increments each day – allowing as many days as necessary to get on schedule by the first day of school.

Limit electronic light exposure

Thirty minutes to an hour before bedtime, begin the nighttime routine. Dim the lighting, if possible.

More importantly, Dr. Kuhn said, move away from the television and shut off cell phones, tablets and computers. “The blue green wave length, which is dominated by our electronic screens, has a more alerting effect on us (than home lighting).”

This is also a good time to pick out clothing and get things ready for the next day, which will make the morning routine more efficient.


While they require less sleep than their younger counterparts, Kuhn said most teenagers are sleep-deprived.

“It’s a clash between electronics, society and biology.”

He explained, “Once kids hit puberty, there is a swing in their circadian rhythm where they have a tough time falling asleep late at night and a tough time waking up in the morning.”

Managing both daylight and electronic light better can help regulate their cycles. Dr. Kuhn says there are apps which automatically dim screens on cell phones or tablets at a certain time each night that could be helpful.

Consistency is key

No matter the age, consistency is important. Sleeping in on the weekends derails any progress made during the week.

“It messes up our circadian rhythm,” Kuhn said. “We get Sunday night insomnia. That’s why Monday mornings are so tough.”

Signs a child may not be getting enough sleep include:

  • Crankiness around the same time each day
  • Daytime napping past the kindergarten age
  • Sleepiness when bored or not engaged in an activity
  • Tough time getting going in the morning

Parents struggling to get their children back on track, despite best efforts, should consult with their pediatrician.

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About Jodi Baker

Jodi Baker contributes stories to The Wire in addition to serving as a media liaison for OPPD. She was a reporter, working for news stations from her hometown of Omaha to San Diego, prior to joining the utility in 2013. Jodi has a bachelor’s degree in Broadcasting from the University of Nebraska-Omaha, with a minor in Criminal Justice. She’s married with two older children and two younger dogs – Shi Tzu mixes. She loves watching her daughter’s track meets, going to concerts with her husband Dave, who used to co-host a local music video program, and traveling whenever possible.

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