The Wire

Energy news from Omaha Public Power District


How to stay safe around downed power lines

Snow, ice and wind can wreak havoc with power lines. If you encounter downed lines, your response is critical.

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Do you need new windows to keep out the cold?

Windows are a major cause of heat loss in your home, but replacing your windows likely isn't necessary. Here are some simple steps you can take to stay warm, save energy.

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How Does That Work?

How to protect yourself from wind chills

If you have to go outside when wind chills turn dangerous, follow these tips and guidelines to stay safe.

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Using a second fridge or freezer? Here are some tips to keep costs down

The location of an extra refrigerator or freezer can make a big difference. These tips can help them operate more efficiently and can save you money.

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Properly insulated pipes pay off

Insulating exposed pipes can help deliver hot water that's 2-4 degrees hotter than that in uninsulated pipes. This can mean a lower water heater tank setting, too – which can help you save money.

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Tips to keep your holidays merry, bright and safe

Arlo Christensen, an OPPD safety expert, shares guidance for safely using holiday lights both inside and outside of your home.

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