The Wire

Energy news from Omaha Public Power District

Tag: energy savings


Choosing a home with energy in mind

Whether you're buying or renting, use these tips to help ensure your new home will be safe and energy-efficient.

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What you need to know about phantom load

Phantom load, the power used by a device that's plugged in but not turned on, can add to your power bill. Do you need to unplug everything not it use? Read on.

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Do you need new windows to keep out the cold?

Windows are a major cause of heat loss in your home, but replacing your windows likely isn't necessary. Here are some simple steps you can take to stay warm, save energy.

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Take control of your home with smart technology

You can make your home more comfortable and energy efficient and save money using these smart technology tips and tools.

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How Does That Work?

Why lowering your thermostat in the winter can help conserve electricity

Why does lowering your thermostat a few degrees help conserve electricity if your furnace uses natural gas? And does doing so really make much of a difference? We have answers.

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Easy, inexpensive ways to boost
your home’s comfort this winter

Pulling on a sweater, snuggling under a blanket or turning on your space heater for a while can keep you cozy during the winter while keeping your costs under control.

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