The end of March marks the beginning of spring and an increased potential for a severe weather.
The National Weather Service (NWS) wants everyone to be prepared for bad weather and has a variety of tips to mark Severe Weather Awareness Week, March 24-28, in Nebraska.
Our area sees its share of dramatic weather changes, including severe thunderstorms, flash floods, derechos, and of course, spring snowstorms.
The NWS will conduct a tornado drill will be held Wednesday at 10 a.m. The drill is an opportunity for businesses, schools and others to practice their safety plans to ensure participants are aware of their designated safe spots.
At home, you can ensure that your family knows how to respond to severe weather and where to seek shelter. This is also a good week to make sure you have a disaster preparation kit stowed in your place of shelter.
And because severe weather can cause power outages, it’s also important to have a plan in place for staying with family or friends should you lose power and need it for medical equipment for yourself or a loved one.
When you think of a blizzard, you might think of a strong winter storm that drops a large amount of snow. The NWS defines a blizzard as:
Two blizzards have passed through our area this month alone, the first March 4-5 and the second March 19.
Some effects of snowstorms and blizzards can be life-threatening. Blowing snow can create conditions with low to zero visibility. And flash freezing can occur on roads when temperatures drop suddenly and wet roads freeze. Both of those conditions can make travel perilous if not impossible.
Strong winds and low temperatures together can cause dangerous wind chills that could lead to frostbite or hypothermia. The NWS advises against traveling or spending time outdoors when wind chills are dangerously low.
What is a “severe” thunderstorm? The NWS applies specific criteria to storms of this level.
A thunderstorm is severe when it produces:
Thunderstorms can result in damage caused by wind, hail, lightning, flooding and flash flooding, and tornadoes.
Tornadoes can strike at any time of day, on any day of the year. Be prepared by following these tips:
There are two key indicators that activate weather advisories – a “watch” and a “warning.” Knowing the difference between these two terms and how to react to them is an important part of severe weather awareness and will help you stay safe.
Julie Wasson is the brand journalism strategist at Omaha Public Power District and the editor of The Wire. She has more than 25 years of print journalism and social media experience, including two stints at the Omaha World-Herald.
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