The Wire

Energy news from Omaha Public Power District


OPPD’s first utility-scale solar project, Platteview Solar, is a major milestone

Platteview Solar adds 81 megawatts of power to OPPD’s generation portfolio through a partnership between the utility and the AES Corporation.

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How Does That Work?

Who’s responsible for cleaning up tree debris after storms?

When storms cause outages, OPPD’s tree trimming crews focus on freeing power lines from tree limbs to help restore power. So whose job is it to clean up tree limbs once that work is done?

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Stay cool, conserve energy this summer

Check out these programs and tips that can help you conserve energy and save money this summer while keeping your home cool and comfortable.

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How Does That Work?

Is your meter easy and safe to access?

OPPD meter technicians need to access customers' electric meters for a variety of reasons; these tips will help you make sure yours is unobstructed and safe to access.

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Storm and Outage

Are you prepared for a power outage?

Rain, snow, wind or sun, power outages are always a possibility. But you can take some simple steps ahead of time to be better prepared.

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